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Cyber Security And Challenges Under Cyber Space With Special Reference To Women Users In The State Of Gujarat

The Centre received a fund of Rs. 14,41,000/- in order to carry out a study whose primary objective was to assess the knowledge, awareness and attitude of women internet users with regards to cyber-crimes and to check the effectiveness of the current legal framework for safety of women in the cyber space.

Cyber Security And Challenges Under Cyber Space With Special Reference To Women Users In The State Of Gujarat

The Centre received a fund of Rs. 14,41,000/- in order to carry out a study whose primary objective was to assess the knowledge, awareness and attitude of women internet users with regards to cyber-crimes and to check the effectiveness of the current legal framework for safety of women in the cyber space. Along with this, the study looked into the obstacles faced in investigation of cyber-crimes related to women by the investigating officers and police officers and officers in the cyber cells. This socio-legal research will aide in suggesting appropriate remedies and recommendations. The project team includes:
Principal Investigator: Dr. Deesha Khaire
Co-Investigators: Ms. Apoorva Patel, Dr. Mahesh Chaudhary and Ms. Shivani Jadhav
Samples collected: 4750 Analysis of samples: 21 November, 2021
Final submission of Report: 31 December, 2021
Contribution to SDG/UNAI principles: the main outcome of the research is dissemination of publication to reach more people and aid National Commission of Women to formulate policies on addressing the issue. It aims to bring to light the issue of misuse to internet with special focus on cyber crimes. Internet is an important facilitator to the exercise of human rights, including freedom of speech and expression. The empirical study will help in bringing to frontline the issued faced by women with respect to cyber crimes and how the effectively the present legal framework is dealing with it. It will help in reducing the inequality in terms of the reach that cyber crime safeguards have.

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GNLU Centre for Law and Society

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